Monday, October 13, 2008


"Really, it’s not about the technology, is it?  It’s about good pedagogy, good teaching practices, engaging students, making them think, giving them opportunity to be creative and work in teams and talk and learn…"

Heidi found a YouTube video that parallels technology through sports.  Athletes could play without shoes, but why would they?

What a great question.  So often I am challenged about the value of spending money on technology when we can't afford to purchase, train, maintain, upgrade, update.....  It is a good question.  I do look at my life and how integrated technology has become.  If I would have a difficult time functioning without integrating technology, why would I expect students to function well when not prepared.

I return to a previous statement, "If someone said that students should have no exposure to technology until Grade 4, it should be held in the same contempt as someone saying students should have no exposure to books until Grade 4."  Reading a book, learning from a book are parallel to reading from a computer and learning from computer.